Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Genesis 31:1-5

Chuck Smith, Jr Season 9 Episode 3

Years ago there was a billboard on PCH in Newport Beach
On it, was printed a giant photo of an Orangutan’s face
- the caption read, “Face it, you belong in the San Diego Zoo”
• someone had climbed up there and with a spray can written between Face it– and–you belong
◦ a girl’s name–so it read, “Face it, Judy, you belong in the San Diego Zoo”
• this is one of the ways we use face as a figure of speech
- other figures include, when we:
• “face the music” -- we have to take responsibility for our actions
• take something “at face value” -- we accept it as it appears
• “lose face” -- we have lost the respect of others, so we then try to “save face”
• do an “about face” -- we make a quick 180 degree turn
• we use the word “surface,” – the visible outer layer of a thing
◦ frequently the Bible uses face for a surface:
◦ “the face of the deep,” “face of all the earth,” “the face of the ground”