Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Leviticus 1:1-4

Chuck Smith, Jr Season 111 Episode 1

For some time I’ve wanted to walk us through the Book of Hebrews

When we come to it, you will discover why it is so extraordinary
 - but the same reasons that make it extraordinary,
 • also make it difficult to comprehend
 • it's content, style and logic are sometimes difficult for us to follow
 - Hebrews is built on stories and symbols from the Hebrew Scriptures
 • we need to be familiar with that background to grasp its message
 • so we are going to spend the next three weeks in Leviticus
 ◦ if we were in junior high school, I’d hear a lot of groans right now
 ◦ but we’re adults – so we're silently planning to be somewhere else 
 for the next three weeks