Reflexion, A Spiritual Community
Christian based teaching from Chuck Smith, Jr
Reflexion, A Spiritual Community
Sermon OTM - Matthew 6:33
Chuck Smith, Jr
Season 2025
Episode 10
Did you know, many Christians avoid the Sermon On the Mount?
The problem is that they misread the Sermon
- they think Jesus demands a perfection that is beyond us
• what actually happens in the Sermon is that it empowers us
◦ we learn the way of sincerity, integrity, and mercy
• whatever else it might mean to be Christian,
◦ above all, it means to be a “good person”
◦ loving, caring, helping, serving
- I feel that what we go over today can’t be “just another talk”
• we need to know how to get Jesus’ teaching into our hearts, and minds, and our everyday lives
• this verse, that I skimmed over last week,
◦ teaches us where we need to go from here