Reflexion, A Spiritual Community
Christian based teaching from Chuck Smith, Jr
Reflexion, A Spiritual Community
Meditations In Mark - Chapter 13
Season 2023
Episode 27
The temple plays an important role in Jesus’ story
The one clear accusation brought against him at his trial was,
“We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands’” (Mk. 14:58).
- but they weren’t certain what that even meant
Yet even about this their testimony did not agree (Mk. 14:59)
• I tend to think, if something was sacred, it is sacred forever
◦ if God visited a place, the ground would always be holy
• that’s kind of the idea people have about going to Israel
◦ “I want to walk where Jesus walked”
◦ as if I’ll experience something unique or supernatural
- when Solomon built the first temple, a phenomenon occurred