Reflexion, A Spiritual Community
Christian based teaching from Chuck Smith, Jr
Reflexion, A Spiritual Community
Meditations in Mark - Chapter 12
June 04, 2023
Chuck Smith, Jr
Season 2023
Episode 26
For the last few chapters, tension has been growing
The religious establishment has taken notice of Jesus
– in this chapter, the conflict leads to a public showdown
• this began at end of chapter 11 with priests, scribes, and elders
By what authority are you doing these thing or who gave you this authority to do them? (Mk. 11:28)
◦ so the ‘And’ at beginning of chapter 12 is a continuation of that encounter
◦ the ‘them’ in verse 1 refers to the priests, scribes, and elders
• the answer to their question is hidden in Jesus’ parable