Reflexion, A Spiritual Community
Christian based teaching from Chuck Smith, Jr
Reflexion, A Spiritual Community
Hebrews 11:32-33
Chuck Smith, Jr
Season 112
Episode 29
Intro: How would you respond if I said, “Show me your faith”?
Actually, I’m not the one who said it and that’s not whole sentence
Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works (Jas. 2:18)
- you cannot do it – you cannot give evidence of faith apart from action
- this entire chapter has explored faith's law of cause and effect
• we've heard one story after another of people whose actions were motivated by faith
◦ now he says, “There's no time for all the other stories I could tell”
• so he summarizes all the volumes he could have written
◦ enclosing them in bookends on either side--i.e., through faith (vv. 33 & 39)